Winner of the 2023 Platinum Muse Creative Award!!!
Nov. 22, 2023

Never Be Satisfied

Never Be Satisfied

Everyone wants to be satisfied - but should we be?  That's the question world famous illusionist Rick Thomas looks at as he and Tammy Trujillo explore Chapter 30 of his book The Tiger Whisker.  Rick talks about the one illusion that he wanted so badly early in his career and that he finally got and mastered, but that it only led to wanting more.  That one illusion lead to bigger illusions, tigers, Las Vegas, world tours and helped his dream materialize into the grand performance that he showcases now as a headliner in Branson, Missiouri.  But Rick still wants more and he explains why not being satisified is actually a good thing and can lead to dreams that you may not have even imagined...yet.

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WINNER of 2023 Platinum Muse Creative Award for Podcasting!

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The economy is scary right now and although no one can really predict where it is going, the signs are not good. Find out Rick's secret to protecting his own financial future by buying gold and silver - precious metals. You can start by spending about the same as you would going out to dinner. Find out more at

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Rick's book The Tiger Whisker is available at

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